The Last Falangist Essays on Culture and Politics in America edition by Kevin Trainor Literature Fiction eBooks

An ex-soldier shares his struggles in this collection of essays dating from 2004 to the present day. It's all covered here religion, society, science fiction, and affairs of the heart.
It is both a personal book and a glimpse, at moments, into the history of what is called "The Blogosphere." Readers are treated to a retrospective of moments in online life—the debates that raged at various points in the 2000s and 20-teens—as well as moments in the life of the author, one of the co-bloggers at the online magazine THE OTHER McCAIN.
It's an intensely personal book, though of general interest to those who a passion for wargaming, anime, convention culture, military history, science fiction, or the lure of romance. As a bonus, there's an appendix that discusses 21 books—Westerns, war dramas, history, Russian novels and speculative fiction—and how they left their mark on the author.
Together, the essays and journal entries comprise a slice of gritty reality by a former Army linguist.
The Last Falangist Essays on Culture and Politics in America edition by Kevin Trainor Literature Fiction eBooks
Reading this is sort of like sitting down for a cold beer with a friend who holds views that are irritatingly different from yours. Doesn't keep the guy from being your friend, doesn't keep the beer from being cold, but sometimes as you're reading you want to either roll your eyes or interject a "... wait a minute, Kevin."I would normally give it three stars: readable, but not something I'd give a general "go out and buy this" recommendation for. It gets an extra star, and a "go out and buy this" recommendation, from a handful of observations that are so simple, obvious and trenchant that I have a hard time believing I hadn't spotted them before. My favorite was his short essay on why he disagrees with Objectivism. His complaints were so obviously correct that it left me re-reading it just so I can steal his words for the next time a Randroid tries to preach the Gospel of Ayn to me.
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Tags : The Last Falangist: Essays on Culture and Politics in America - Kindle edition by Kevin Trainor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Last Falangist: Essays on Culture and Politics in America.,ebook,Kevin Trainor,The Last Falangist: Essays on Culture and Politics in America,Wombat Press,SOCIAL SCIENCE Popular Culture,LITERARY COLLECTIONS Essays
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The Last Falangist Essays on Culture and Politics in America edition by Kevin Trainor Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I enjoyed the easy, non-preachy style of the book and the thoughtful and emotional content of some of the essays.
I much enjoyed this with a glass or two of wine. It was a very settling and relaxing read, like having a one way conversation with a good friend who opens your mind to new ideas and thought patterns. It's also a bit revealing emotionally. The author puts some feelings and events into words that resonated with me and should also strike a chord with anyone who has struggled with weight, relationships, illness, employment. In other words - everyone. I was sad to see it come to an end. I look forward to more writings from this author.
Highly recommend; read this book!
He writes from the gut and does it well.
Keep it up Wombat. Better than I expected, and mirrors myself in a lot of ways. Mostly short, simple and heartfelt. Did kinda wish for a rule 5 chapter though. (wink,wink. nudge, nudge) Good job man, hearty applause. Hope to see you on more SF discussions.
Terrific read. Thank you for writing this. It will be especially interesting to veterans.
Normally I don't go for books that are a collection of essays, but decided to give this one a go. Kevin (Wombat) Trainor hit one out of the ballpark with this one. Being that he and I both grew up in the 70's, made it easy to identify with him. His writing is crisp and clear throughout even though the essays were written in a 10 year span.
Interspersed throughout the essays on varying things in America are personal essays dealing with his battles with his ex-wife, his weight and his daughter. I found those essays to be very moving with his stark honesty and deep feelings.
The appendix of the e-book has 21 Books that left a mark on him. Interestingly enough, I've read 19 of them and also count them as my personal great books.
My only disappointment was that in some of the links in the essays only went to 404 pages on the internet. Which is understandable as they were 8-10 years old. Surprisingly, most of the links from older essays still worked.
Sure would love to see more writing from Wombat!
Reading this is sort of like sitting down for a cold beer with a friend who holds views that are irritatingly different from yours. Doesn't keep the guy from being your friend, doesn't keep the beer from being cold, but sometimes as you're reading you want to either roll your eyes or interject a "... wait a minute, Kevin."
I would normally give it three stars readable, but not something I'd give a general "go out and buy this" recommendation for. It gets an extra star, and a "go out and buy this" recommendation, from a handful of observations that are so simple, obvious and trenchant that I have a hard time believing I hadn't spotted them before. My favorite was his short essay on why he disagrees with Objectivism. His complaints were so obviously correct that it left me re-reading it just so I can steal his words for the next time a Randroid tries to preach the Gospel of Ayn to me.

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